Monday, January 21, 2013

Frank-ly Speaking

"It had been a bad day. On parade, an announcement had been made about the many actions that would, from then on, be regarded as sabotage and therefore punishable by immediate death by hanging. Among these were crimes such as cutting small strips from our old blankets (in order to improvise ankle supports) and very minor "thefts." A few days previously a semi-starved prisoner had broken into the potato store to steal a few pounds of potatoes. The theft had been discovered and some prisoners had recognized the "burglar." When the camp authorities heard about it they ordered that the guilty man be given up to them or the whole camp would starve for a day. Naturally the 2,500 men preferred to fast."

This passage shows the true nature of the prisoners a this stage in their imprisonment. Even when you are deprived of everything good in life, the hope exists for a better day or one will give in to suicide or nothingness. The majority who still hangs on with hope, hold a steadfast defiance against the Nazis. In Frankel's voice you can hear the emptiness, emphasizing the few emotions that the prisoners still exhibit.

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